Saturday, May 11, 2019

Working on a new opportunity with new delivery POC

After working on an opportunity with one of the most irritating delivery persons, I was assigned with new opportunity to work, with new delivery person with whom I have never work earlier or got any insight about his working style. As usual the initial step for the opportunity is to work on the questionnaire to be shared with the client for more information and as usual, I had the questionnaire ready-made to be shared. I have shared the first set of questionnaires to the delivery person for review and he seems fine with it and added couple of more questions to the existing list. From the initial discussions and with questionnaire task completed, I had no issue with the delivery person whatsoever. He seemed calm and quiet with all task in the control and was supportive whenever the need was there to address from my end. Continue reading at “G R Team Sites”

Sunday, March 17, 2019

A day’s rest and one more new opportunity

After finishing that tight deadline opportunity, I was completely drained of expertise and was visibly drained. My manager understood it and he didn’t assign me any new work or any urgent request for me after completing that tight opportunity work. I was getting myself charged up for the next opportunity and was bit relaxing myself by just browsing and watching YouTube videos. And towards end of the day, when everyone was about to leave the office, my manager gave me a shock by stating that – “There seems to one short turn around RFP with minimal scope to QA, can you please look into it”, I had no other option to acknowledge it and left for the day. The next day till lunch I didn’t get any mail or opportunity assigned details from my manager and was wondering if the work has actually started off or not. Then by lunch, when I reminded about my manager about the work, he completely forgot about the opportunity and shared further details regarding that opportunity. To know more about the opportunity, continue reading at “G R Team Sites”.피망머니상 https://webtoonsite.com글자수세기웹툰 사이트

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Help for your Research Paper

There are wide ranges of Research Paper writing networks available in the web that help students in completion of Research Papers, creative articles and assignments. If you need to complete your Research Paper academic assignment in an easier or smarter way, then selecting suitable Research Paper writing network would be the best option. However, most online Research Paper-writing networks out there in the market lack quality of service and unique research content offered to students. So, make sure that you select best online Research Paper writing available in the web that offers unique and best content for students. The easier and smarter way to find best custom Research Paper writing networks available in web would be referring a high quality networks. The is one of the stand-alone Research Paper writing networks available in the web that helps users in completion of their Research Paper work and assignment. The network helps users in finding different categories of Research Paper writing service offered by professional writers and experts that no other Research Paper writing network in its class could offer. You could also check out the Research Paper and term paper samples provided by network to check out the quality of content offered to consumers. If you were ever looking for custom Research Paper writing network that provides unique, best custom Research Papers and quality service, then would be the place you have to check out.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Discussion about short TAT opportunity

I hold two opportunities at my hand currently and one opportunity was almost completed, as it had no work for me and the delivery expert has completed all the work. Now coming back to the latest opportunity, which had very short turn around Time and to all our surprise the client had responded to the questionnaire in the very next day. After regrouping from a long weekend, the accounts team had scheduled call early in the morning to discuss about the open action items and to all the teams’ surprise one of the teams had backed out from the opportunity due to very short timeline for implementation of solution and too early response due date. So, now other teams had to come up with customized solution and the question was wide open, that whether it should be submitted or to be dropped. From my teams’ point of view, we had decided if we get our required information and other teams would complete the solution on time, we would provide support. One team which had to frame the solution has to make call about the decision and to continue the story check out “G R Team Sites”