Saturday, September 10, 2011

6 Useful iPad Apps for Health Informatics Specialists

The Health Informatics Specialists job requires them to obtain their information from computer based research and analysis. A hot item on the market is the iPad. This is a powerful tool for the Health Informatics Specialist. The iPad is very portable and has thousands of apps to assist the Health Informatics Specialist by offering immediate access to information they need. Here are a few apps we recommend.

6 Useful iPad Apps for Health Informatics Specialists

1. ECG Guide for iPad – This app features over 200 examples of common and uncommon ECG’s. It contains detailed references for problematic issues of the heart. ECG interpreter gives you step-by-step assistance with interpreting ECGs. This app also provides you with pediatric information.

2. Practice Fusion- A free web based Electronic Health Record. Doctors can have full access to the patients chart with this app. This would mean that a doctor could access the patients chart from anywhere. If there were an emergency a doctor would have all of you’re patient’s information at their fingertips.

3. Dictionary of Medical Acronyms and Abbreviations- This app would be a great tool for someone setting up information systems so they would know and use words in the correct manner. It also includes the latest developments in health care and Medical Informatics. Specialists could also decipher what they are reading with this app. Different specialties sometimes cross paths and this will help you with the language you need to know.

4. Journal Watch-General Medicine – Health Informatics Specialists can use this app to keep in top of their game. Journal Watch keeps its users up to speed on the latest medical news. The medical field is always changing and adapting to new findings in research studies, this will make sure medical professionals know what is going on.

5. Davis’s Comprehensive Handbook of laboratory and Diagnostic Tests with Nursing Implications- A great reference for Nurse Informatics Specialists to full understand what the lab results mean and what kinds of tests are available for diagnosing. There is also information about the tests that can be ordered. Things such as the test can have a false reading if the patient is taking certain prescription drugs. A good reference.

6. Drug Interactions: Hansten and Horn guide to Patient Management – Most of the Health Informatics Specialists could use this as a handy reference when prescribing drugs to patients. This app will “look” at the drugs that a patient is taking and tell you what kinds of reactions or interactions they may have. You could also introduce a drug you want to prescribe and it will tell you the out come of that. This is a useful app for pharmacists, clinicians, and public health personnel.

Mare Lisa is extremely interested in writing on various topics associated with informatics and health informatics masters degree programs online.

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